Hearts, hearts…. bloody little hearts. They’re everywhere, you can’t escape them! And, as a lover of horror, why would you want to? Red, red…. bloody red hearts. Have you ever thought about the color red? There’s no other hue that symbolizes so many things: Passion. Love. War. Blood. Danger.
It’s the color of the chocolate box filled with your favorite confections. But, how can you really be sure one, or all, of them haven’t been infused with poison?
It’s the color of the wine the vampire pretends to drink before he pierces your carotid. Perhaps there’s still a drop of cabernet clinging to his shapely canines…
It’s the color we wear when we want to turn up our level of attraction. But, how can we know exactly who, or what, we are attracting?
We proudly present to you our Bloody Valentine’s Day issue. Inside you’ll find poems and stories that celebrate every attribute of red, because, as we already know, passion and love and danger and war are all really the same side of the coin.
Wishing you a Bloody Valentine’s Day!
In the mood for a little Nosferatu? Check out Paul Lonardo’s article: Nosferatu: A Love Story?
We are now open to fiction and poetry submissions for our Fiendish Father’s Day Issue.