Not uncommon for a date
To fail to live up to expectations
Arguments over splitting bills, tipping
Political diatribes and the like
But, some seem so perfect
A dream-like evening, heavenly
Only for things to be derailed
When your date produces a knife
Decides to end things
DJ Tyrer dwells on the northern shore of the Thames estuary, close to the world’s longest pleasure pier in the decaying seaside resort of Southend-on-Sea, and is the person behind Atlantean Publishing. They studied history at the University of Wales at Aberystwyth and have worked in the fields of education and public relations. When not writing, they enjoy roleplaying, wargaming, and the arcane art of conlanging. DJ’s poems have been published in The Rhysling Anthology 2016, and issues of Cyaegha, Enchanted Conversation, The Horrorzine, Illumen, Scifaikuest, Sirens Call, Spectral Realms, Star*Line, and Tigershark. The e-chapbook One Vision is available from Tigershark Publishing’s website. SuperTrump and A Wuhan Whodunnit are available to download from the Atlantean Publishing website.
DJ Tyrer’s website is at
DJ Tyrer’s Facebook page is at
The Atlantean Publishing website is at
The View From Atlantis website is at
Published 2/10/22
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