Like Shakespeare, he compared her to a summer’s day. She indeed appeared to be more lovely and temperate. After wooing her with a poem, he presented roses and a box of chocolates. Her meal was captivating.
“Will you be my valentine?” she said as she led him to her bed. Her tenderness mesmerized and her voice hypnotized him. Had she finally been the one to conquer this playboy? She slithered over him as if in a trance. He could not describe the unbearable delight. Sleep silenced his bliss.
early morning meal—
there’s never a good time
to meet a cannibal
Francis “Wes” Alexander is coeditor with Theresa Santitoro of the Drabbun Anthology. His work has appeared in Tales from the Moonlit Path, Space and Time, Cattails, and Scifaikuest. His books When the Mushrooms Come, and I Reckon were published in 2020.
Published 2/16/23
ROTFL This made my day!! Good one, Mr. Alexander!