By Francis W. Alexander
Andromeda –
at midnight the black cat
leaves summer behind
Remaining heat: the countdown begins to Halloween. Autumn wind: the werewolf mask crashes
into the politician’s sign. Fog: inside that house, they watch scary movies.
Pegasus –
ghouls looking forward
to All Souls Day.
Scarecrow: farmers wonder where the crows went. Night chill: ghouls also see under the bed
covers. Morning chill: that nightmare continues into the day. Voted by ghosts as the best
Halloween – refreshing.
Orion –
to many souls election day
ushers in Halloween
Francis “Wes” Alexander currently scores assessment papers for Pearson Measurements. His work has appeared in Tales from the Moonlit Path, Space and Time, and Drabble Harvest anthologies. His books, When the Mushrooms Come and I Reckon, were published in 2020.
Published 10/29/20
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