POETRY – Halloween 2021


A Note from Your Editor . . .

Here’s to the High Holy Days! For many of us, it’s more than just a favorite holiday and time of year . . . it’s a much-anticipated and prepared-for celebration of the thinning of the veil between this realm and the next, an opportunity to engage in the danse macabre!

Please join me in giving gratitude to all the poets who have offered these poems for your pleasure! Experience each one as it is placed on the exalted sacrificial altar. Savor each poem and revel in its dark beauty . . .

Trick-or-Treat? Choose wisely . . .

Until next time,

Your humble poetry editor,
Terrie Leigh Relf

All the Moon by Matthew Chamberlin

An Eve’s Presence by Harris Coverley

Better Social Distance if You’re Out Late on Halloween by Gary Davis

Why I Always Wear Sharp Vampire Teeth on Halloween by Gary Davis

Grave Spirits by Abby DeSantis

A Shadow in the Night by Colleen M. Farrelly

The Haunting by Talesin Gore

Untitled by Lauren McBride

Midnight Moon by Albert Schlaht

My Ancestors at the Veil by Meg Smith

The Rushes of Samhain by Meg Smith

Mortumus Mortum by Oliver Smith

In the Shadow of the Flame by J.S. Watts