Untitled Vampaiku by Debby Feo


Don’t be afraid, Dear
Soon your troubles are ending
Blood dripping from fangs


(This vampaiku appeared on Debby’s Author’s Page on Goodreads.)

Debby has been writing poems and short stories since high school.  Her first poem to get published didn’t happen until she was 51 years old.  Besides having many published short stories, poems, and books, Debby has 4 self-published poetry books: 3 for children, and one about dealing with PTSD.  Debby’s vampire Gaius Domitius Tubero is also a poet.

Links to all her books, and a list of magazines/anthologies she has work in, can be found on her Author’s Page on Goodreads. https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2948683.Debby_Feo