My Eternal Valentine by Fariel Shafee

It’s so dark inside this room.

Cold too.


You have shut down all

The windows just as



Did I tell you there’s a

New star in the sky?  It’s

Bright, redder than

Antares, like a

Little hole in

The dark skin of the

Heavens, and


Seeps out



That wound.


How long has it

Been, my love?


Did you change?  Did

I evolve myself?


I walk slowly

Towards your shadow.  A bunch

Of crimson roses that do

Not die

Want to eat up

The darkness.


But this day is for

Us, for

The ghosts of all

Our sins—

To die and kill

Again, bathe in blood,


This day

Comes again next



Fariel Shafee studied physics but loves to travel to lands of impossibilities and magic. She also loves to paint. Her art has been used by New Myth and Sprawl Magazine.  Her poems have been published by Parabnormal, Eccentric Orbits, Stygian Lepus, and others. She shuttles between South Asia and Miami with her pet ghosts these days. 


Published 2/14/25