Imaginarium of the Outdoors: Lurking in a Nightmare

by Gary Davis

hiking misty ridge
he falls in gooey mud hole
light snack for Sasquatch

black night, stars shimmer
what shimmers out on the moor?
a forlorn ghost

summer spelunker
lost in dank cavern depths
blind humanoids pounce

in black lagoon ooze
universal creatures lurk
eat Basho’s frog

shapeshifter looks up
spies lunar eclipse blood moon
werewolf or vampire?

pool doze, dream-sleep
tossed by roiling black ocean
kraken pulls me down

summer breeze smells sweet
after shuddering earthquake
until pass graveyard

Gary Davis enjoys exercising his imagination through crafting dark or darkly humorous haiku and other forms of poetry. He finds haiku in particular both challenging and fun.  Mr. Davis has published haiku in Tales from the Moonlit PathScifaikuest, Star*Line, and a Lester Smith Halloween anthology (2016-2020).  He has published other poetry in Tales of the TalismanBloodbondIllumen, and a sci-fi anthology, Kepler’s Cowboys (2014-2019). Mr. Davis loves all things classic horror; he grew up on Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine years ago. He has three spooky Halloween tales in Frostfire Worlds (2016-2019).

Published 7/16/20