Poetry 10-29-20

Dear Readers:

Here’s to embarking on yet another haunted journey along the moonlit path!

Remember to surround and protect yourselves with light (or otherwise keep candles, flashlights, lanterns, and pumpkins burning . . .) Cacophony and ancient spells will guide you through these poems, and yes, this hallowed season. Please join me in thanking these thirteen poets for sharing their poems!

Trick-or-Treat? You decide!

Until Next Time . . .

Terrie Leigh Relf
Poetry Editor
Tales From the Moonlit Path

One Less Witch on Hallow’s Eve by Zannier Alejandra

Forbidden Haibun: Their Halloween by Francis W. Alexander

Trick-Or-Treat? By Marcia Borell

A Hallowe’en Tale by Andrew M. Bowen

Tricksters Take Back Halloween by Gary Davis

Untitled by Gary Davis

Stills by Sandy Deluca

Cut Short on the Short Cut by E.W. Farnsworth

Fright Night Out on the Town by Ivanka Fear

Not Supposed to be Like This by Angelo Letizia

Autumn’s Descent by Lori R. Lopez

Dance of Hallows by Meg Smith

Samghnagan by Kat Terban

Draw Back the Veil by DJ Tyrer