Welcome to our Demented Mother’s Day Contest
Everybody has a mother. There’s just no denying or escaping that fact. Some are amazing, wonderful, beyond reproach, most are more human, with flaws, but a tremendous amount of love to give their children. And then there are those that go beyond love, into twisted possession, control, and an unrelenting dominance that make even the most horrible of serial killers cower (raise your hand, Jason Voorhees).
Your mission is to create a positively horrifying story about the psychotic side of motherhood. We love ghost stories, and all types of horror (of course) soft science fiction is acceptable but no hard sci fi or hard fantasy, please. Scare us, intrigue us, titillate us, make us wake in the middle of the night and cry out for our mommies – and then quickly clasp our hand against our mouths with fear.
Demented Mother’s Day Contest Guidelines:
- Keep stories to under 2,000 words and please include word count in email.
- Must have some type of demented mother theme.
- Submit your story to
- Submission must be in the body of the email, no attachments please.
- Clearly label your submission “CONTEST ENTRY: Last Name: Story Title”.
- You are welcome to submit a story for both the contest and regular magazine content but please, just one contest submission.
- Your contest entry must not be submitted elsewhere.
- Contest submission deadline is April 30, 2019 for possible inclusion in May 12, 2019 issue.
- Honorable mentions will be published. A contest story submission is your pre-approval of publication in our May 2019 issue without additional notification to you.
- Winner will receive $50