Have a Fiendish Laugh on Father’s Day by Gary Davis


stepdad flashes knife
tiptoes to shower curtain
“dad, I’ve seen Psycho

praying mantis kids
celebrate Father’s Day
paste dad’s head back on

dad gets a silk tie
spider dad on Father’s Day
gets silk-wrapped fly husk

stepdad or stepmom
who is more obnoxious?
step-kid kills them both

mom yells all the time
kids party for dad’s day
stitch up mom’s lips tight

gets special dad’s day gift
new tie rack

kid’s high-chair tantrums
drive dad to new night-time job
electric chair switch

dad works Father’s Day
heads off to new job
King Henry’s axe-man


Gary Davis enjoys exercising his imagination through crafting dark and darkly humorous haiku and other forms of poetry. He finds haiku, in particular, both challenging and fun. Writing haiku is like doing a miniature Zen painting and, when you look at the painting, seeing something unexpected (and maybe scary in the case of horrorku). Mr. Davis has published haiku in Tales from the Moonlit PathScifaikuestStar*Line, Lupine Lunes, and It Came from her Purse (2016-2023). He has published other poetry in Tales from the Moonlit PathTales of the TalismanBloodbondIllumenSpaceports & SpidersilkZen of the DeadPotter’s Field 7The Hungur Chronicles, and a sci-fi anthology, Kepler’s Cowboys (2014-2022).

Published 6/16/23

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