They were making fun of him!
Derek read the incantation in the dusty book over the matches, struck one, and touched the flame to the holiday card. It burned slowly, the now-animated family in the photo terrified. Confined to their four-sided paper prison, they would die.
He smiled as the card crackled in the barrel. He could see the real fire in his mind.
Derek had no wife or kids, but did he need to be reminded of that every December?
Uncle Trevor’s family wouldn’t mock him next Christmas, and there were more matches for anybody else who dared try.
Mike has had over 150 audio plays produced in the U.S. and overseas. He’s won nine Moondance International Film Festival awards in their TV pilot, audio play, short screenplay, and short story categories.
His prose work has appeared in several magazines and anthologies. In 2015, his script “The Candy Man” was produced as a short film under the title DARK CHOCOLATE. In 2013, he won the inaugural Marion Thauer Brown Audio Drama Scriptwriting Competition.
Mike keeps a blog at
Published 12/5/19