Midmorning, I heard a snap. “It’s broken!” Simon screamed, cradling his ankle.
There were six of us at the start of our annual Halloween camping trip. Simon and I are the only ones left. The creatures feed by night and disappear during the day. Good news; we recognized a trail this morning. If we ran, we could get out before sunset.
But then Simon fell. I’ve been dragging him on a bed of branches I tied him to, and he keeps thanking me. When night falls, I run, ignoring Simon’s pleas. While they’re eating him, I may reach the car.
Jacqueline Moran Meyer has had stories published in The Black Hare Press, Monsters – A Dark Drabbles Anthology, Beyond – A Drabbles Anthology and Teach. Write. A Writing Teachers’ Literary Journal. She has also had horror stories being published in Yellow Mama Webzine, Bewildering Stories, and in the Black Hare Press Dark Drabbles Anthologies : #5, #6.
Published 10/15/19