Untitled by Gary Davis


rankish nighttime fog
hangs over deadly steep gorge
ghost crossing

nighttime pests
caught in mosquito net
tropical vampires


science class picnic
raucous kids chase through dark woods
Bigfoot crashes lunch


Gary Davis enjoys exercising his imagination through crafting dark and darkly humorous haiku and other forms of poetry.  He finds haiku, in particular, both challenging and fun. Writing haiku is like doing a miniature Zen painting and, when you look at the painting, seeing something unexpected (and maybe scary in the case of horrorku).  Mr. Davis has published haiku in Tales from the Moonlit Path, Scifaikuest, Star*Line, and Lupine Lunes (2016-2021). He has published other poetry in Tales of the TalismanBloodbondIllumenSpaceports & SpidersilkZen of the Dead and a sci-fi anthology, Kepler’s Cowboys (2014-2021).

Published 8/12/21


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