Poetry DMD 2022


A note from your poetry editor . . .

Here’s to all the mothers who have shaped our lives, creative processes, and yes, poetry! Whether they gave birth to us or not, where would we be without them? While some may be disembodied or embodied, monsters or human, demented or even sane, we love them . . . How could we not?

Please join me in thanking all the poets contained within this issue. You are so appreciated!

Yours in the darkness, the light, and the interstitial shadow realms,

Terrie Leigh Relf


Mom at Devil’s Spring – When Hell Froze Over by Marcia A. Borell

Mother’s Day: No Holiday for the Hungry Denizens of Mother Nature by Gary Davis

The Buried Witch by John Grey

First Day Among Humans by Lauren McBride

At Grandpa’s Funeral by Terrie Leigh Relf