Halloween Challenge – 8/12/21


Ready for your new challenge? 

Summer is graciously making way to Autumn. Cooling temperatures, dying leaves, ragged, skittering clouds. 

This quarter’s challenge has an appropriately creepy feel – We want your best stories about…

(drumroll please)

Abandoned places. Any abandoned place is game, but please, no abandoned houses. (There are so many of those, they no longer qualify as abandoned!)

Here at the Moonlit Path, Halloween is our most favorite time of year. What self-respecting horror-lover doesn’t squee when summer rolls to a stop and transforms into a pumpkin? 

Guidelines are below. We look forward to reading your autumnal offerings.


Summer Water Challenge Winners




  • Keep stories to under 2,000 words and please include word count in email.
  • Must be themed around abandoned places (please, no houses).
  • Submit your story to contest@talesmoonlitpath.com.
  • Submission must be in the body of the email, no attachments please.
  • Clearly label your submission “HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE: Last Name: Story Title”.
  • You are welcome to submit a story for both the challenge and regular magazine content but please, just one challenge submission.
  • Your challenge entry must not be submitted elsewhere.
  • Challenge submission deadline  is October 14, 2021 for possible inclusion in October 28, 2021 issue. 
  • Honorable mentions will be published. Any challenge submission is your pre-approval of publication in our October 28, 2021 Halloween Issue without additional notification to you.
  • Winner receives $50 via PayPal.